Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Libraries and Books

I have an addiction.

   It's plagued me since childhood and I think it's time to tell the world that I can't stop and I can't give it up.  There have been enablers throughout the disease: my parents, my friends, even the occasional librarian.  At an early age my parents cut off financial support for my addiction but the encouragement did not wane.  Through the years it's been my route to friends and clubs, boring those who didn't share my interest and leading me to rare fellow addicts who, like me, cannot get enough of our high.  My affliction is this: I am addicted to the written word.

   My love affair with books began as soon as I  became literate, likely the reason I have such terrible eyesight.  I would read past bedtime under the covers with a flashlight (Sorry Mom, thought now I am sure you already knew) and by the third grade I was allowed to take out three books instead of the standard two from the school library.  Ah, books.  Just the thought of good literature puts a smile on my face and relaxation in my bones.  I am convinced that the human race is not doomed as long as my favorite authors circle the world in a cycle of publishing, lending, and pirating.  Even now, when I have confessed my sins of constant reading, sometimes to the neglect of homework or dinner, to share my passion of books makes me want to have a conversation instead of this one-sided blog - just to see what everyone is reading!

  And in honor of books, because everyone should have as much assess to the written word as possible, and also because the school director at my site asked me for some help, I have started a Library/Meeting Room Project to finish off my service (YAY!). 

   The project started as a library project.  After meeting with the school director he showed me a room with a pitiful stand of books that the students are able to read and asked if there was anything I could do.  There was.  As part of the project, we are remodeling a room at the school: adding tiles to the floor, paint to the walls, tables and bookshelves along with benches and tables, and then filling the whole place with BOOKS!
   The project also has a sporting aspect because some kids just aren't into books, but that doesn't mean they can't utilize the space! So instead of checking out books, students more interested in soccer can check out soccer balls and other equipment from the room and use it as well.  One of the coolest parts of this project (I think) is that the kids are going to have some input as to what reading material gets purchased for their library.  Because they are going to be the ones using it, so why shouldn't they determine what goes in it?!

To check out my status, see how awesome this project is, donate, or spread the word, check out the link below:

O but wait! The link is already disabled because the incredible Ancilla Sisters Domini have funded the whole project! A special thank you to the Sisters for being so generous, willing, and able to help some kids get some books.  An additional special thank you to Superdad for his help and support, and Ali Bickel who donated too many books for me to be able to bring back to Cambodia!

Let's get this project started!

And may you always have good reading material on hand (email me for suggestions)

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